HOA Board Meetings Archives

How to Hold an Effective HOA Board Election

How to Hold an Effective HOA Board Election

In any homeowners association, HOA Board elections can potentially become contentious, time consuming and complicated if not started off on the right foot. Holding an effective and fair HOA Board election is an annual event that helps decide who gets the responsibility for managing an HOA’s major financial matters and property maintenance issues. It is […]

5 Personality types for the HOA Board

5 Effective Personality Types for the HOA Board

There are many types of personalities that can hurt your Homeowners Association Board. But, it doesn’t take much to turn this around, as the same personalities could be your best allies. How do you make the turn, you ask? Evaluate each of your HOA board member personalities – yourself included – following our 5 Effective […]

2017 Top Ten List on Arizona Open Meeting Law

Here it is! The list you’ve all been waiting for! We have compiled the absolute “need to know” bullet points about Open Meeting Law for Arizona Homeowners Associations.   Arizona Open Meeting Law is in place to protect the health of the homeowners association, by protecting members from being excluded and deterring any “secret” decision […]

Arizona HOA Blog and Advice

How Well Did You Communicate The HOA Rule?

Every HOA has rules. Every HOA Board has to create rules, and get compliance from community members. Seems easy, right? Usually never. Why? Because communication falls through or falls flat. Hopefully, when HOA rules are written they are not overly intrusive to begin with. But, more importantly they are clearly communicated. When the rule is […]

HOA Board "Burn Out"

Help! How Do I Fix our HOA Volunteer Burn-Out?

“Looks like you’ve been missing a lot of work lately.” “I wouldn’t say I’ve been MISSING it, Bob.” The exchange between a by-the-book HR consultant and burned-out employee in 1999’s cult classic “Office Space” may be one of the best illustrations of burnout in recent cinematic history. And though the movie brings laughs, it’s only […]

How To Recognize Volunteer HOA Board Burn-Out

It would be hard to overstate the importance of volunteerism: it’s quite simply how a lot of work gets done, from large, national programs to smaller and more localized organizations. According to the National Corporation for National and Community Service in a 2015 report, “over the past 13 years, Americans volunteered 105.9 billion hours, estimated […]