Handling Bees in your HOA

Handling Bees in the Phoenix Valley HOA

Handling Bees in your HOA

What’s all the buzz about?

You may have seen many recent headlines about bee attacks in Valley neighborhoods. Here’s what you need to know, along with tips on how to prevent and handle bee attacks:


Bees are present and active year long in the Phoenix Valley. However, during the summer months, they are much more aggressive. A majority of these aggressive swarms are the Africanized honey bee. The africanized honey bee has less venom, but travels in larger numbers. They are also much faster than the regular honey bee. They usually nest in outbuildings and sheds so be very careful when entering these areas. Listen for buzzing as you approach!
  • These bees will defend their nests aggressively when approached or disturbed. This includes people or animals within 50 feet of the nest. Someone using power equipment (like a mower) can alert the bees within 100 feet.
  • They swarm fast and will give chase for a quarter of a mile. If attacked, keep running and protect your face. Do not jump into a pool, as they are known to hover above the water and wait to attack the invader. Attacks can last for up to 10 hours.
  • Do no strike the bee. When this occurs, the bee sends off a defense pheromone, which will bring it’s colony (up to 60,000 bees in some cases) to its defense.
If you locate a nest, do not try to remove the nest yourself. Call a pest control company to clear the area safely. If you see someone being attacked, call 911 immediately.